Breathe In, Breathe Out: A Writing Reboot
It’s been too long.
I realized just today that I haven’t posted anything for over two months. Autumn weather is prime-time for nature adventures and outdoor escapades, yet I haven’t managed to write one iota.
It’s not that I haven’t been outdoors. I’ve taken pleasant evening strolls on the trail by my house, enjoyed the crisp fall air while camping, and hauled myself up West Virginia mountains. Yet the last thing I typically feel like doing after some of my outdoorsy activities is to sit at my laptop and type.
But I feel that it’s important.
You see, each instant I experience out-of-doors is a moment to breathe in all of the wonders and fascinations around me. When I write about it, I breathe out through words, sentences, paragraphs – vivid descriptions of butterflies, rock fall, and running water.
It’s a peaceful cycle that I typically relish. Recently, however, I’ve fallen out of the habit of sharing my outdoor experiences except via quick Instagram pics.

A quick catch-up: I hiked some sketchy trails covered in slick rock. I played with rocks next to a deceptively raging river. I been captivated by water reflecting sunlight. I camped in chilly weather. I went on leaf identification walks. I presented at an international environmental education conference. I explored a nearby nature center. I climbed up rocks, traversed a mountain, and trekked down a rock-riddled slope. I’ve had fun, experienced solitude, and enjoyed my rowdy friends coming alongside of my in an outdoor environment.
And even though I haven’t shared it all via writing, each moment has been cherished.
Which outdoor experiences or moments have you yet to share? Which ones are still waiting to transpire? Make it happen!