About Me

Name: Steph

Age: old soul, young at heart (36)

Likes: dark chocolate, mountains, fanny packs, and the smell of books

Dislikes: raw onions and apathy

A pilgrim is one who makes a journey, often a long and difficult one, to a special place for specific reasons. In June 2016, I embarked on a quest to visit every national park within the contiguous United States. Within these special places, I saw oceans, forests, deserts, rivers, and mountains. I hiked, rock-climbed, swam, snowshoed, paddled, and fell in love with the natural world. I lived in a teardrop trailer, affectionately name Clarence, as I put well over 25,000 miles on my little Honda Civic. Throughout this journey, I shared my stories, blogging about all of the wonders that I saw and experienced. An incredible group of faithful readers followed my travels, living vicariously through the pictures and vivid written descriptions I posted.

As I stepped foot into the last park – number 47 – I realized that I didn’t want this voyage to end. I needed it to continue. That was when I made the decision that no matter where I was, I would deliberately seek out the natural world and intentionally pursue those special outdoor places. I expanded my ambitions to include regional parks, schoolyards, and other countries. I still seek to share my discoveries with others, particularly the younger generation. Outdoor education is near and dear to my heart; as a full-time teacher I relish the opportunity to take kids out-of-doors, connecting with nature. Teaching also allows me to find time to travel during weekends, school vacations, and summer break.

There is so much to see and experience in this beautiful world of ours. Just because I wander, does not mean I am lost. On the contrary, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” (John Muir)