Get Out! Green Health and Well-Being
We are currently being bombarded on a daily (hourly?) basis with news, stats, and stories about COVID-19. Thus, I thought long and hard about even mentioning it here, on a site whose primary purpose is to encourage individuals to explore wild places and natural spaces. Yet it is times like these when we need the outdoors more than we realize. The mental and emotional benefits of green spaces cannot be underestimated. As COVID-19 continues to impact our lives and reach into almost every sphere of our normalcy, I find peace in the natural outdoor places I know and love.

Although I’ve touched on the mental benefits of being outside before, I decided that it was time to break things down into more detail. For all of you out there who enjoy hard facts, take a look at this:
- Nature walks can improve short-term memory
- Being outside lowers physical stress (think: heart rate, cortisol levels, etc.)
- A green environment can alleviate mental fatigue
- The presence of water in a natural setting increase the effects of reduced anxiety and depression
- Being in an outdoor environment can improve focus (kids with ADHD concentrated better after 20 minutes in a park.)
- Nature immersion (longer than four days) has been shown to increase creativity by 50%
[Above taken from a research synthesis done by Business Insider. For more information on the benefits of time in nature, refer to The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative by Florence Williams.]
You can see how important it is to be outside during times of extreme stress and uncertainty. Nature has such an incredible potential to improve our mental well-being if we choose to engage with and access it. However, we also must be aware to protect the outdoor places we frequent from overuse and neglect. As more and more families turn to the outdoors during this time of isolation, it is critical to use wisdom regarding where and when we engage with nature.
Be thoughtful when deciding your outdoor activities and locations.
Find spaces where you can breathe.
Have fun.
Tread lightly.
hey stephanie
have you ever thought of taking along a kazoo and playing some upbeat tunes when you are enjoying the great creation. pick your own tune. play quietly. or loudly.
we need not be intimidated into silence.
God bless america is a good choice.
you may not recall – you visited my home once on tewksbury drive across from your friend laurie diamond. i am 77 and now live in ashby ponds. we are on lockdown, but there are spacious grounds that allow social distancing walking. my code looks out on a large pond and the Potomac river valley.
here are some expanded spiritual remarks that may be more than you want — choose/disregard what you like
3. Meditation
So, my planning for this meditation started last mid-week assuming our church would be meeting together as usual this Sunday morning — but offering a novel collective contemplative meditation. I even ordered and received a dozen kazoos from Amazon and I planned to express our joint praise and confidence together as a pick up kazoo band. Great hymns kazooed together seemed to be just the right way to pray confidently in advance. Making music of thanksgiving in the face of a deadly virus, school closings, government failings, college admission deferred decisions, illness, financial uncertainties, and so many discouraging examples in our culture of lack of respect and compassion. I still like the idea of kazooing together. Next time you see me be sure to select the color of kazoo you want just for your own. And by the way, using my irrepressible imagination I have already enjoyed your kazoo renditions in my mind’s eye and ear already.
So, now we adapt our meditation to reality — our stay at home praise in advance format. I have selected several great old hymns that have the lyrics shown so you are invited to sing along at home at 9 am on this Sunday or anytime. These hymns with lyrics are from You Tube, so feel free to find your own favorites that you prefer – you tube has quite a selection. I offer 4 hymns that speak to me below. Just sing along or if these selections do not fit you, use your browser to You Tube search to find something you prefer. Sing along as much or as little as you wish – but be bold and do sing or hum or whatever to join in the spirit of our praying in advance together.
Amazing Grace
Children of the Heavenly Father
It is Well with my Soul
When the Saints Go Marching In – with BB King
and with Satchmo – Louis B Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyLjbMBpGDA
After the music, take some time to reflect and then journal, and if so moved you are invited to share what has come to you with someone else of your choosing. You can share with me for sure.
Let me know what nudges have come to the ear of your heart in this meditation.
——– some Joe thoughts –
• God is good – and has not abandoned us. As my grandmother used to say, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.”
• Feel free to share this entire meditation with anyone you choose. All our meditations are open source.
• And if you have ideas for future stay at home meditations let me know – please. We may be at this stay at home format for some time.
Joe 703-785-8354 – let’s talk.
4. Bookmark
do continue to write – thank you