Seasonal Ruminations

In other years, the December rains may have invoked feelings of melancholy, the white Christmases of my childhood the extraordinary ideal towards which I still tend to reach. Today, I lean into the droplets cascading from the sky, humming against my face with a sense of reverence. The rain serves as a reminder of nature’s ebb and flow, of the necessity of cycles and revolutions.
I listen to the wind whisper.
Its footfalls and echoes,
My heart syncs up with the chorus on leaves,
With the trickle along a gray-laced landscape.
As I reflect back on the year 2020, my mind can’t help but be pulled towards all the natural symphonies I’ve witnessed. Sniffing fresh spring flowers, dancing in the rain, languishing in the heat, jogging through a desert storm, playing with moss, jumping in leaves, and yes – even enjoying the brief snowfall earlier this month. Despite the inconsistencies of this calendar year, I have relished the uniformity of the outdoor spaces near and far.

Although travel plans have changed and meet-ups with friends have ground to a halt, I choose to appreciate the relative stability of nature-based phenomena. My own neighborhood is a cornucopia of sensory experiences unaffected by covid’s touch.
I’ve made pals with a host of bird species who frequent my birdfeeder on a daily basis.
I’ve built up my tree identification skills, studying leaves, bark, and buds.
I’ve walked along tree-lined paths, serenaded by bull frogs.
I’ve eaten wild onions and gotten sap in my hair.
I’ve watched the seasons changed and embraced the winter rains, such as on a day like today.
So whatever 2021 brings, I rest assured that the earth will continue to revolve around the sun, bringing us glorious change and consistency whether we like it or not.

Enjoy the last few moments of 2020.
May your (outdoor) days be merry and bright!