South Carolina State Parks
New state = new adventures.
As someone who continuously seeks out natural spaces and wild places, visiting parks in my new home state is high on the priority list. I now live in the foothills of Appalachia, just a short drive away from gorgeous mountains, gobs of waterfalls, and acres of protected, forested land.
In a serendipitous turn of events, I figured out that there are exactly 47 SC state parks – the exact number of National Parks I visited seven years ago during my teardrop-wilderness stint.

*Of course* I have made it my goal to visit each of these precious public-owned gems scattered around the great state of South Carolina. Just yesterday, I hit my 5th one, gradually and proudly collecting stamps it my park passport book.
1. Keowee-Toxaway State Park
Exquisite views of the surrounding mountains, fun rock outcroppings by the lake, and lots of recreational options.
Favorite part: A just-right hike with multiple swimming points.
2. Caesars Head State Park
Incredible overlooks, serene forest walks, and a variety of hiking options for all ages and abilities.
Favorite part: Big skies and rolling hills.
3. Lake Hartwell State Park
Camping galore, gorgeous sunrises/sunsets, and walkable beaches.
Favorite part: Late night swim in Hartwell Lake while camping.
4. Table Rock State Park
So many cascades and falls, a rigorous summit hike*, and lots of accessible picnic areas.
* 7.1 miles and 2306 elevation gain
Favorite part: Enjoying a snack while appreciating the view from the top.
5. Paris Mountain State Park
Peaceful beat-the-crowd mornings, crisp fall colors, and many miles of hiking trails to choose from.
Favorite part: Lots of trail options with fall foliage.
5 SC State Parks down, 42 more to go!
So cool that you are now living in my “home state”. I guess if you are technical California is my home state, I was raised here from 1969-1989 and then moved back in 2011. But the true “home” is South Carolina. I lived there for the 22 years between CA and I “grew up” there. I was on my way there for a visit when we met at Arches, and I still long to go back.